Poststr.8 14943 Luckenwalde
Treat yourself to a break at the Hotel Märkischer Hof. The cosy guestrooms are characterised by a combination of light colours and a warm red, creating a pleasant atmosphere. In the morning, call in at the breakfast room and enjoy a sumptuous buffet breakfast comprising sweet and savoury treats. There is also a large conference room available for your business appointments. The hotel is located at the heart of Luckenwalde. Shopping enthusiasts can browse around for souvenirs for their nearest and dearest in the shops in the Breite Straße pedestrian zone (approx. 5 minutes on foot), while water and health fans can spend a relaxing time at the Fläming-Therme thermal baths (approx. 2 km). If you like sports, why not explore the region on the nearby cycling and skating route, Flaeming-Skate? +++FOR HRS GUEST FREE UPGRADE TO THE NEXT HIGHER ROOM CATEGORY+++
Luckenwalde city 0,15KM, Luckenwalde Bahnhof trainStation 0,49KM, Berlin-Schönefeld International Airport (SXF) airport 40,19KM, A9 - Beelitz highway 22,83KM
Méthodes de paiement
Visa, Mastercard-Eurocard, American Express, Japan Credit Bureau (JCB Int`l), Electronic Cash, Facturation sur compte entreprise possible
Équipement de l'hôtel
Reception (lobby), Elevator, Public Internet terminal, Hourly rate, WLAN with Internet access in lobby, Hourly rate, Mobile phone reception
Équipement de la chambre
Desk, Separate luggage store, Soundproof windows, Windows for opening, Make-up mirror, Full-length mirror, Hairdryer, Bathroom with shower, Emergency information, Plan of emergency exits
Horaires d'enregistrement
Check-In: 15:00:00.000+01:00
Check-Out: 11:00:00.000+01:00